I saw something on the Internet this weekend, called a Wubbanub. This is just the cutest thing, and they're not too expensive if you get them from the right place. I think I'm going to order one, but of course I had to try making one for myself. It is not "safety approved" but it's a temporary thing. Peanut donated a little stuffed bear and I sewed one of his pacifiers onto it's head. It works great! Bubby was not a paci boy at first, so he did not really learn to keep one in his mouth. Now that he is teething, he likes to have one. But you have to sit there and hold it in. He chews it and works on it so that it doesn't stay. Now he can hold this sweet little bear and the paci stays right there!
Whoever came up with this was a complete genius!
Two funny comments:
Peanut was trying to teach Junior a new tongue twister. He was supposed to repeat it back to her, but he said, "Betty Botter bought some butter to make her bottom bigger." True. I think I like that one better.
Dad walked by Junior's room the other day after bathtime and overheard this: "Underwear, prepare to Do Your Duty!" We didn't even ask...
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