...Hang shirts upside down. If the clothespin makes a mark, it is on the bottom of the shirt and will be tucked in, or at least not near your face.
I’ve been using a clothesline on and off for eight years. Last year was the first time I had a “real” clothesline, though. Before, we had strung clothline between two trees or between a tree and a fencepost. I prefer the real clothesline, but a makeshift clothesline is a good option, and that is what I did for so long.. Here is a picture of my empty clothesline that hubby built for me.

I wanted to share a few things I have learned about clotheslines for those that are just starting to get into this.
1. If there is a breeze, do not try to conserve clothespins. Use plenty. On a windy day, I might use three clothespins on each item. It is not fun to run around picking up items that blew off the line.
2. With clothespins, you get what you pay for. If you go with the cheap plastic clothespins, it is common for them to break, even when brand new. I have some that have lasted really well. They cost a little more, but they ended up being worth it. Hubby tells me they probably contain a UV-resistant additive. Wooden clothespins are very nice and sturdy too.
3. At first, I tried keeping my clothespins outside in a little holder that stayed on the clothesline. They quickly got dirty, so from then on, I have kept them in the house. Clothespins have to be clean.
4. Hang shirts upside down. I got this tip from the book
Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson. If the clothespin makes a mark, it is on the bottom of the shirt and will be tucked in, or at least not near your face.
Home Comforts has a very nice section on line-drying, check it out!
5. When I bring jeans and towels in from the line, I give them few minutes tumble in the warm dryer. If they are already completely dry, I throw a damp towel in with them, or mist them with a spray bottle of water.. After 5 or 10 minutes, they are much softer, and get less complaints. Cloth diapers also benefit from a few minutes tumble.
6. Fabric softener also helps combat the stiffness.
7. Plastic-coated clothesline is easy to clean. Your clothesline will get dirty, and you don’t want that to get on your clothes. You can usually clean plastic clothesline with a damp rag.
8. Hubby doesn’t want me to hang out underwear, that is embarrassing to him, so I machine-dry it. I also throw the socks in with the load of underwear, because socks are kind of tedious to hang out.
If you are thinking about using a clothesline, but afraid to do it, I do understand. If you are worried about what people will think, consider that many of your neighbors are gone all day most weekdays, and might never see your line full of clothes. My neighborhood is so quiet, especially from about 10am to 3pm, sometimes I never see a soul. Though rare, there are some places that don’t want you to have a clothesline, so it might be worth it to check to make sure you are not breaking a (very stupid) rule. I think this will change as more people are “going green.” It may still be okay to use a folding rack or two on your back porch, and that would be an option.